7TH CENTURY CHINESE QUEEN’S SHOWER OF BLESSINGS ON A 21st CENTURY AMERICAN WILDFIRE: Garchen Rinpoche and the Gyanagma Wheel of Princess Wencheng: her life, influence and sacred objects in Tibet

"Thank you! Now people worldwide will hear about the Gyanagma Wheel. This is a great addition to its rich history. Thank you, now we can show Gyanagma to the world! Everyone has to know.” ---HE 8th Garchen Rinpoche “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always… Continue reading 7TH CENTURY CHINESE QUEEN’S SHOWER OF BLESSINGS ON A 21st CENTURY AMERICAN WILDFIRE: Garchen Rinpoche and the Gyanagma Wheel of Princess Wencheng: her life, influence and sacred objects in Tibet