PLAYFUL PRACTITIONERS OR MINDLESS MISOGYNISTS? THE ‘ARTS OF LOVE’ OR ‘ARTS OF ‘A**HOLERY’? The question of sexist double standards, silent women and two Tibetan Buddhist male ‘heroes’, Gendun Chophel and Drugpa Kunley

"Pay no respect to mean Lamas, Pay no respect to immoral monks, Pay no respect to dogs, crows or women: That is the teaching on the Three Rejects."― Drugpa Kunley  "Because of my lowly status and state of poverty, I was reviled and abused by practically everyone. So—although I had the capacity to reveal profound… Continue reading PLAYFUL PRACTITIONERS OR MINDLESS MISOGYNISTS? THE ‘ARTS OF LOVE’ OR ‘ARTS OF ‘A**HOLERY’? The question of sexist double standards, silent women and two Tibetan Buddhist male ‘heroes’, Gendun Chophel and Drugpa Kunley