UNSURPASSED, SECRET DAGGER (PHURBA YANG SANG LAMEY) TREASURE OF RATNA LINGPA: The historical background, lineage, textual sources and its practice in the Karma Kagyu

  Introduction The Bokar Monastery community, led by Khenpo Donyo Rinpoche are now currently performing the Ratna Lingpa Vajrakīlaya (Dorje Phurpa) Great Torma offering ritual (from 15th to 24th December) during the Winter Solstice (on the new moon on the 23rd December) in the run up to the Kagyu Winter (Guncho) Debate gathering and oral… Continue reading UNSURPASSED, SECRET DAGGER (PHURBA YANG SANG LAMEY) TREASURE OF RATNA LINGPA: The historical background, lineage, textual sources and its practice in the Karma Kagyu