THE DAKINI SCRIPT HIDDEN TREASURE OF PEMA VAJRA: Vajra-Lotus treasure hidden by Yeshe Tsogyel as revealed by 1st Yongey Mingyur

"This treasure text (ter-sho) of Pema Vajra meditation is from the first Mingyur Rinpoche who revealed this text from a rock in Tibet. That is what we call a treasure sadhana. More than one thousand years before, Guru Rinpoche came to Tibet and taught this sadhana, the Pema Vajra practice in Tibet but during those… Continue reading THE DAKINI SCRIPT HIDDEN TREASURE OF PEMA VAJRA: Vajra-Lotus treasure hidden by Yeshe Tsogyel as revealed by 1st Yongey Mingyur

NOT A MOUNTED TIGRESS BUT A POWERFUL COUGAR? YESHE TSOGYEL AT TIGER’S NEST (PARO TAGTSANG) WITH HER YOUNG MALE CONSORTS. Yeshe Tsogyel’s connection to Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan, her young male consorts, contemporary research on her life-stories and a 21st Century interpretation of her experiences as a woman (Bhutan 2022))

“Undertaking the profound path of unconventional conduct practice at Paro Taktsang,The three doors (of body, speech and mind) became three vajras of great bliss;Blazing brilliant radiance as a stunning sixteen-year old,I supplicate the Heroine Varahi!” “The evening that these miraculous signs appeared, the Guru himself was transformed into Dorje Trollo (Adamantine Sagging Belly) with myself… Continue reading NOT A MOUNTED TIGRESS BUT A POWERFUL COUGAR? YESHE TSOGYEL AT TIGER’S NEST (PARO TAGTSANG) WITH HER YOUNG MALE CONSORTS. Yeshe Tsogyel’s connection to Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan, her young male consorts, contemporary research on her life-stories and a 21st Century interpretation of her experiences as a woman (Bhutan 2022))