THE ASTONISHING LIFE AND WORKS OF THE 8TH KARMAPA, MIKYO DORJE: An overview and compilation of research and translations aand 17th Karmapa’s teachings

"The vajra mind of the chief, Bhagavan Akshobya,changed into a midnight blue crownSaid to be a manifestation of the aspect ‘Lion’s Roar’In all realms of samsara and nirvana,Greatly renowned, with activity equal to space.To the powerful yogi, Dusum Khyenpa.Hundreds of millions wisdom ḍākinīs of supreme activity,Created a splendid, deep blue crown, whichWhen offered and placed… Continue reading THE ASTONISHING LIFE AND WORKS OF THE 8TH KARMAPA, MIKYO DORJE: An overview and compilation of research and translations aand 17th Karmapa’s teachings

8TH KARMAPA ON CHOD: TEXTS AND LINEAGE. New translation of 8th Karmapa’s short daily Chod practice and full transcription of 17th Karmapa’s Chod teachings

“What should one do when sick?---Chop up your body and offer it as feast. Hide concepts as treasure in the nature of phenomena. And moreover do it many times. Don’t give rise to joy if you get better. No matter what sickness occurs in the manifesting circumstances, know that each one is a training exercise.… Continue reading 8TH KARMAPA ON CHOD: TEXTS AND LINEAGE. New translation of 8th Karmapa’s short daily Chod practice and full transcription of 17th Karmapa’s Chod teachings