AN INFIDELITY TO THE EXTERNAL WORLD: Launch of first poem in new audio-video poetry reading from collection ‘Tales from the Yoni Stone’ I

For Dakini Day today, am delighted to launch the first in a series of video/audio readings of the poems from my published poetry collection ‘Tales from the Yoni Stone’ (2nd Edition). The short poetry collection can be downloaded as a .pdf for free here.

The first poem recording is ‘Infidelity to the External World’, which deals with ‘contradictions’, ‘hypocrisy’, ‘deception’  and ‘delusions’ of ‘samsaric’ worldly life, its challenges, death, birth, spirituality, sexuality, desire, love and loss. Yet, behind it all the non-dual ‘mother nature’ blinding light of AH.

Poetry, like art music, is a more direct way to connect with the heart and ‘third eye’ and not just the intellectual mind. Poems are not meant to only be read but for their music (tone, rhythm, silence) to be heard. Thus I hope you enjoy the visual and audio rendition I have put with the written words in the video, including artworks from Magritte, Bourgeois and the Hubble space telescope. The written poem is also produced here below and with the video.

Music? I’ll Be Yours by Placebo and In Praise of the 5 Elemental Dakinis by Yoko.

Adele Tomlin, 4th April 2024.


I am the loaded question
the harmonious contradiction
the unreliable accomplice
the brave beggar.
I am the impenetrable fear
the undeniable attraction
the seething truth
the dream
like mirror.

I am the violent lover
the quiet dictator
the screaming coward
the raging heroine.
I will love and destroy you.
Create and consume you.
Eat you and spit you.
Enflame and cool you.

I am an
obvious mystery,
a cliched poem
a wanton recluse
a sick doctor.
I am the monk’s robe,
The whore’s heel
The mother’s kiss
The soldier’s gun.
I am a soul seducer
A telepathic hustler
A mind invader

An infidelity to the external world.

I drive the stars and moons,
emotions and moods
thoughts and dreams
I form the basis of all.
I am the delirious painter,
the crazy sculptor
the mad inventor
the inspired conductor.
I am poetry in motion.

I am breathing and dying
suffering and joy
desire and aversion
love and loss.
I am nothing
yet everything,
I am there when you die
and when you are born.
I am you, you are me,
to know me is to know the REAL you.
But there is no
one to KNOW.


No words, no concepts
No thoughts, no struggle
no ambition, no money
no objects, no suffering
striving, striving, striving…

Silence, silence, silence…..
The infinite blinding light of

Composed by Adele Tomlin. Copyright 2021.

4 thoughts on “AN INFIDELITY TO THE EXTERNAL WORLD: Launch of first poem in new audio-video poetry reading from collection ‘Tales from the Yoni Stone’ I

  1. big thx for sharing your adventures and dharma… great poem! for me, a reminder that everything is everything and nothing at the same time…the empty throne…the journey to nowhere begins and ends with stillness…untouched by thought, the sweetest nectar; stillness is always waiting…

    best wishes and fun adventures-

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  2. Oh Bhadri ,

    your such a stategic adulterous whorish wonder,

    A compelling expression in melodious Lyrica

    Pondering, Praying in a spontaneous way

    Over here we stand in Dharmaland

    looking to the Sky, to ask why.

    On this side of the Planet

    they’re talking of Totalitity.

    the great everything that is Nothing but mind

    where Rahula will take a big munch out of Surya

    and we’ll recite the prayer of Samanta Tsangmo

    in our Love of auspiciousness,

    that lights up the whole Universe

    Om ah Mika Hum

    “the sun is the same in relative way, but you’re older”

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