THE KARMAPAS, TAI SITUPAS AND THE SIX MAIN HEART-SONS: Closing Speech of the 38th Kagyu Monlam by 17th Karmapa (Summary and transcript)

"In brief, the various incarnations of the Situ Rinpoche are one of the earliest lines of tulkus in Tibetan history.  Among the Karmapas' heart sons, after the Zhamarpa, the next one is Tai Situpa." "In general , when we talk about the Karmapa and their heart sons, they are very important it is not necessary… Continue reading THE KARMAPAS, TAI SITUPAS AND THE SIX MAIN HEART-SONS: Closing Speech of the 38th Kagyu Monlam by 17th Karmapa (Summary and transcript)