SEEKING THE 17TH KARMAPA: 17th Karmapa’s recent ‘private’ meeting with Tsewang Rinpoche, the ‘quiet’ relics gift in Malaysia, and an exploration of reasons for the Karmapa’s ongoing public ‘disappearance’

"He walks in the streets of Kuala Lumpur and no one pays any attention to him [Tsewang Rinpoche]. Yet, he is regarded as a bodhisattva and he is forever etched into the history of Karma Kagyu as the man who engineered the escape of the 17th Karmapa from Tibet to India." –John Fam (Thrangu Monastery… Continue reading SEEKING THE 17TH KARMAPA: 17th Karmapa’s recent ‘private’ meeting with Tsewang Rinpoche, the ‘quiet’ relics gift in Malaysia, and an exploration of reasons for the Karmapa’s ongoing public ‘disappearance’