VISITING THE ANCIENT ‘INDRA JEWEL’ JAVANESE MENDUT TEMPLE. Vesak/Saga Dawa Day procession, the Śailēndra dynasty in Java, three original 9th Century Buddhist statues representing awakening, compassion and power, the stellar constellation straight line and stunning gardens and buildings of Mendut Buddhist monastery(Indonesia pilgrimage VII)

"Candi Mendut is a reflection of the sublime and stupendous “Indrajal” of the Javanese people when they attained unprecedented heights of power, when literary genius blossomed in their language of Javanese, when they enriched their lovely island with monumental structures that evoke wonder after twelve centuries, even in their ruined state." "Even now it is… Continue reading VISITING THE ANCIENT ‘INDRA JEWEL’ JAVANESE MENDUT TEMPLE. Vesak/Saga Dawa Day procession, the Śailēndra dynasty in Java, three original 9th Century Buddhist statues representing awakening, compassion and power, the stellar constellation straight line and stunning gardens and buildings of Mendut Buddhist monastery(Indonesia pilgrimage VII)

DISCOVERING THE PADMASAMBHAVA STUPA WHERE THE “TWO RIVERS MEET”: Visiting Chatral Rinpoche’s Guru Padmasambhava stupa ground, Borobudur, Java (Oddiyana) (Indonesian Pilgrimage VI)

“Eating meat in one’s diet is very different than eating flesh to liberate a being through super natural powers. I am just an ordinary monk who really doesn’t have these qualities. So, if I ate meat it would be the same if you or any other lay person ate meat. I would be committing sin… Continue reading DISCOVERING THE PADMASAMBHAVA STUPA WHERE THE “TWO RIVERS MEET”: Visiting Chatral Rinpoche’s Guru Padmasambhava stupa ground, Borobudur, Java (Oddiyana) (Indonesian Pilgrimage VI)

REVEALING AND VISITING GURU PADMASAMBHAVA’S OḌḌIYĀNĀ IN JAVA: The actual location of the renowned Oḍḍiyāna ‘land of dakinis’, Ogyenpa, Fa-Xian and other evidential sources, the Guru Padmasambhava birthplace at Lake Rawa Pening, and new Padmasambhava Oḍḍiyāna Lake statue project launched (Indonesia Pilgrimage V)

"Pakistan’s much touted claim of Swat being the  birthplace of Padmasambhava is based on few western sources of the late-nineteenth and early twentieth century who erroneously identified Padmasambhava’s birth in Swat. Few western scholars claimed Swat to be the mythical Oḍḍiyāna, without much deliberation. Such mistaken views need proper correction." " In the Yoga Tantra,… Continue reading REVEALING AND VISITING GURU PADMASAMBHAVA’S OḌḌIYĀNĀ IN JAVA: The actual location of the renowned Oḍḍiyāna ‘land of dakinis’, Ogyenpa, Fa-Xian and other evidential sources, the Guru Padmasambhava birthplace at Lake Rawa Pening, and new Padmasambhava Oḍḍiyāna Lake statue project launched (Indonesia Pilgrimage V)