REMEMBERING THE KINDNESS OF A SUPREME ‘FATHER’: Announcement of passing away of 17th Gyalwang Karmapa’s elderly father on Saga Dawa, new calligraphy artwork and message, and re-sharing of Shakyamuni Buddha sadhana composed by 17th Karmapa

"Today, on the special and important commemoration of the Teacher's [Buddha] Parinirvana passing, in the morning at 8.48 am, the elderly father of Gyalwang 17th Karmapa, who had reached 87 years old, also passed into nirvana, passing into the peaceful expanse of sleep.  In particular, even though the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa has had to be… Continue reading REMEMBERING THE KINDNESS OF A SUPREME ‘FATHER’: Announcement of passing away of 17th Gyalwang Karmapa’s elderly father on Saga Dawa, new calligraphy artwork and message, and re-sharing of Shakyamuni Buddha sadhana composed by 17th Karmapa