LADY WITH THE FLOWER: NOBLE TĀRĀ AND THE GYALWANG KARMAPAS. Overview of Karmapas’ works on Tārā and first translation of Tārā Supplication by 16th Karmapa

For Dākinī Day today, I offer the first overview of works on Tārā composed by the Karmapas. In addition, the first translation of brief Tārā supplication by the 16th Karmapa, Rigpe Dorje from the third volume of his Collected Works. For a translated outline of this third volume, see here.   First, a little background… Continue reading LADY WITH THE FLOWER: NOBLE TĀRĀ AND THE GYALWANG KARMAPAS. Overview of Karmapas’ works on Tārā and first translation of Tārā Supplication by 16th Karmapa