FULL ‘STRAWBERRY’ MOON BIRTHDAY WISHES TO 12TH GYALTSAB RINPOCHE: New 71st Birthday message from the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa and offering of new website section dedicated to the Goshri Gyaltsab lineage and activities

"Life-force of the practice lineage teachings, Master of secrets, Vajra holder; representative (Gyaltsab) of the Victors.....Despite being given medical treatment for your health, the physical fatigue and weariness struck you again. For the sake of the general and glorious teachings with profound power you recovered your life-energy; like a cloud-free moon, gradually revealing its brilliant-bright… Continue reading FULL ‘STRAWBERRY’ MOON BIRTHDAY WISHES TO 12TH GYALTSAB RINPOCHE: New 71st Birthday message from the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa and offering of new website section dedicated to the Goshri Gyaltsab lineage and activities

MING CHINESE MALAYSIA AND THE 16TH CENTURY “TEMPLE OF THE GREEN CLOUD” (CHENG HOON TENG): Scenes of the multi-culti Malays, Chinese and Dutch influences in Malacca and UNESCO world heritage 16th century temple (Malaysia Pilgrimage III)

Continuing with the places from the Malaysia pilgrimage trip, this short article is about my short time in Malacca, on the coast of Malaysia as one travels down from Kuala Lumpur, before heading to Indonesia for the 12th Gyaltsab Rinpoche teachings and empowerments there. Officially the Historic State of Malacca (Malay: Melaka Negeri Bersejarah), is… Continue reading MING CHINESE MALAYSIA AND THE 16TH CENTURY “TEMPLE OF THE GREEN CLOUD” (CHENG HOON TENG): Scenes of the multi-culti Malays, Chinese and Dutch influences in Malacca and UNESCO world heritage 16th century temple (Malaysia Pilgrimage III)

“WHY BUDDHISTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT ANIMALS”: Launch of ‘Buddhism in a Nutshell” short reels series (I)

For the full Strawberry Moon (and Summer Solstice), I am delighted to launch a new short video reels series, called "Buddhism in a Nutshell" (available on Instagram and Facebook pages).  This series is to give short (and hopefully easy-to understand) explanations of key fundamental concepts and ideas in Buddhist philosophy and practice. The first reel… Continue reading “WHY BUDDHISTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT ANIMALS”: Launch of ‘Buddhism in a Nutshell” short reels series (I)

“LEAPING FROM THE PRECIPICE” WITH THE UNEXAMINED: Vajrayāna empowerments for the ‘unexamined masses’ and the question of their accordance with the Buddhist Tantras and samayas

The Great Master of Oddiyana [Guru Padmasambhava] warns: "Not to examine the teacher, Is like drinking poison; Not to examine the disciple, Is like leaping from a precipice." "If one does not practice secretly and hidden, then no matter who you are if you publicise it to everyone, in particular, if you reveal secrets to… Continue reading “LEAPING FROM THE PRECIPICE” WITH THE UNEXAMINED: Vajrayāna empowerments for the ‘unexamined masses’ and the question of their accordance with the Buddhist Tantras and samayas

“A LONE SONGBIRD’S WARBLING LAMENT”: Birthday praises from Tsurphu and new poem commemorating the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa’s Birthday

  "To the one who revealed the spontaneous power of enlightened activities, The Vajra-holder, Karmapa, bow down." --Tsurphu Monastery praise to 17th Karmapa   "May this bird's melancholy,  warbling lament, spontaneously burst from the 'spring' of longing, soar out of the dark, blinding forest of hopes and fears,into the open space nest of our'evergreen' heart...."… Continue reading “A LONE SONGBIRD’S WARBLING LAMENT”: Birthday praises from Tsurphu and new poem commemorating the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa’s Birthday

OPENING THE DOOR TO BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHICAL TENETS AND ULTIMATE VIEW: ” Gateway of Knowledge” by Ju Mipham Rinpoche with “Magic Key” commentary by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche: Parinirvana anniversary commemoration offering

“To the great emptiness free from the elaborations of the eight limits,From the authentic logical path of the wise scholars,That totally connects all beings to the ground of  bliss and benefit,I prostrate to those kind and sacred gurus.” “It is not completely non-existent emptiness, mere nothingness like space, or the child of a barren woman.”… Continue reading OPENING THE DOOR TO BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHICAL TENETS AND ULTIMATE VIEW: ” Gateway of Knowledge” by Ju Mipham Rinpoche with “Magic Key” commentary by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche: Parinirvana anniversary commemoration offering

SEEKING THE 17TH KARMAPA: 17th Karmapa’s recent ‘private’ meeting with Tsewang Rinpoche, the ‘quiet’ relics gift in Malaysia, and an exploration of reasons for the Karmapa’s ongoing public ‘disappearance’

"He walks in the streets of Kuala Lumpur and no one pays any attention to him [Tsewang Rinpoche]. Yet, he is regarded as a bodhisattva and he is forever etched into the history of Karma Kagyu as the man who engineered the escape of the 17th Karmapa from Tibet to India." –John Fam (Thrangu Monastery… Continue reading SEEKING THE 17TH KARMAPA: 17th Karmapa’s recent ‘private’ meeting with Tsewang Rinpoche, the ‘quiet’ relics gift in Malaysia, and an exploration of reasons for the Karmapa’s ongoing public ‘disappearance’