NEW: Guru Padmasambhava page and sacred places in Bhutan

Today for Guru Rinpoche Day, the tenth day of the sacred lunar month of Saga Dawa, here is a brief catalogue of the works and research so far published on Guru Padmasambhava and his two main students/consorts, Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava. These are now listed on a new website page dedicated to Padmasambhava.

Work on Padmasambhava includes the prophecies by Padmasambhava (revealed by Chogyur Lingpa) on the 15th  to 21st Karmapas, as well as his 8th manifestation and return as the Shambhala King.

In addition, there is a Yeshe Tsogyel Guru Yoga, by the 15th Karmapa and a post about the Long-Life practice of Padmasambhava and Mandarava held by the 15th Karmapa as well as a Praises to Mandarava by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.

Future work will be added to the catalogue/page on an ongoing basis.

I also share below some personal photos of my own recent trip to Bhutan in March 2019, on a guest visa arranged with the help of Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche,  to the pilgrimage sites of Tiger’s Nest, the Yeshe Tsogyel cave next to it, and a visit to the sacred Kuje (body imprint) of Padmasambhava at Bumthang, where I was fortunate to get a a long-life amulet, blessed by the monks there containing sacred mantras and blessing pills. During the trip from Trongsa to there I got very sick with some strange flu and could hardly stand up when I arrived. Nonetheless, I completed the pilgrimage and got the sacred amulet from next to the sacred kuje. So I wear it every day as protection and a reminder of the sacred energy and blessings of Padmasambhava and Bumthang. I also have some photos in other sacred Padmasambhava places such as Pharping, Nepal but will save those for another post.

May we all be able to visit sacred pilgrimage sites in Bhutan, meet and see the face of Guru Rinpoche and may all obstacles, outer, inner and secret be eliminated!

Adele Tomlin, 21st May 2021.

Research and Translations

Guru Padmasambhava

Guru Rinpoche statue, Dalai Lama Temple, Dharamsala, India

GURU PADMASAMBHAVA’S RETURN (2424 AD): Hero King of Shambhala, Rudra Cakri (Wrathful Chakra-Holder), Conqueror of Barbarians

Tibetan script of Guru Padmasambhava’s prophecy on 15th to 21st Karmapas, as revealed by Chogyur Lingpa

MOTHER TĀRĀ AND PADMASAMBHAVA GURU OF ALL LINEAGES: ‘Aspirations to End Adversity’ with 17th Karmapa (Part VI)

Supplication to Padmavajra (Guru Rinpoche) by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Three short daily sadhanas of the ‘Luminous Heart Essence of the Three Roots’ by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Yeshe Tsogyel

Yeshe Tshogyel Guru Yoga’ by 15th Karmapa (available in English, Vietnamese and Tibetan)

Yeshe Tsogyel’s Descent to the Hell Realms and How She Got Her Name

Yeshe Tsogyel in union with Guru Rinpoche



Cloud of Siddhis: Immortal Life-Essence Bindu Supplication: long-life practice of Padmasambhava and Mandāravā by 15th Karmapa

15th Karmapa on the ‘Immortal Life-Essence Bindu’ treasure: long-life practice of Padmasambhava and Mandāravā

Praises to Mandāravā by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Memories of Sacred Bhutan
View on path to Tiger’s Nest, Paro, Bhutan.
On the way to Tiger’s Nest, March 2019.
At Tiger’s Nest Temple, Paro, Bhutan, March 2019.
Entrance sign to Yeshe Tsogyel Cave, next to Tiger’s Nest Temple, Paro, Bhutan. Photo Adele Tomlin, 2019.
Yeshe Tsogyel shrine inside Senge Phug, Bhutan. Cave where Yeshe Tsogyel meditated. March 2019.
Waterfall next to Tiger’s Nest, Paro Bhutan. March 2019.
Stupa at Kuje Lkhakhang, Bumthang, Bhutan.
Bumthang, in the 8th century, was ruled by King Sinda Raja who was at war with a king from the south. This rival killed Sinda’s son and, in his extreme grief, the king forgot to worship his personal deity who took revenge by snatching the king’s life force, causing him to fall mortally ill. Guru Rinpoche, because of his miraculous powers, was called to Bumthang to help the king recover. He went to Kuje where the deity was residing and tricked it with as magical device. The king recovered and Bumthang embraced Buddhism. In the rock where Guru Rinpoche meditated was left the imprint of his body, which is what Kuje means.
Sacred amulet from Kuje Lhakhang, Bumthang, Bhutan.
Turning Prayer wheels in Paro, Bhutan, March 2019.

Here is a beautiful rendition with exquisite photos of the Guru Rinpoche mantra by Deva Premal:

4 thoughts on “NEW: Guru Padmasambhava page and sacred places in Bhutan

  1. The photo above is not Kurje Lhakang, but Könchog Lhakang. Opposite side of the river.

  2. Wow these are beautiful photos. How are you? How is India? Would love to skype with you soon and talk about including some of your translation work on our new website. mangalam Gonpo Jack

    On Fri, May 21, 2021, 6:26 AM Dakini Translations and Publications མཁའ་འགྲོ་མའི་ལོ་ཙཱ་བའི་འགྱུར་དང་འགྲེམས་སྤེལ། wrote:

    > Dakini Translations posted: ” Today for Guru Rinpoche Day, the tenth day > of the sacred lunar month of Saga Dawa, here is a brief catalogue of the > works and research so far published on Guru Padmasambhava and his two main > students/consorts, Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava. These are n” >

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